03 9736 3597     0402 983 176
Do you need an Electrician?
We specialise in all water pumping systems &
industrial, commercial and domestic electrical works

Melbourne Electrical Contractors

Elecsteele's approach is to ensure that all existing and new clients achieve full satisfaction of our services and products. This is achieved by our Company Policy that has been developed over many years. The foundation of this policy is based upon providing the highest level of customer satisfaction possible and the ability to be flexible and up to date with the demands required in this day and age.

Our personnel are committed to providing the highest quality service and product at all times. We ensure all projects are delivered in a professional manner and conform to regulations and Australian Standards.

Our product profile demonstrates our ongoing commitment to customer service with successful completion of numerous major projects and ongoing maintenance agreements

Our Specialised Services Include:

Water pumping systems - Design, construct and wire

Residential Developments

Domestic - upgrades, maintenance, lighting and power

Industrial - service, maintenance and installation

Commercial - service, maintenance and installation

Voice & Data

Lifestyle Design & Install - landscape lighting, audio visual and intercoms
Call us on 03 9736 3597 or 0402 983 176


Greg Steele – Director

Lic No: A29912       Rec No: 16597

Mobile: 0402 983 176
Office: 03 9736 3597